General Curia
We hope you have found our site inspiring and helpful. If you would like to learn more about the Marians or their works, you may contact us directly in English, Polish, Italian or Portuguese at:
Curia Generalizia dei Chierici Mariani
Via Corsica, 1
00198 Roma, Italia
(39-06) 853-703-1
(39-06) 853-703-22
Other contacts:
For more information about the Marians in different places:
Information for those who want to become a member of the Association of Marian Helpers or the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception:
Address any comments on editorial or technical aspects of this website to the Website Editor:
Br. Andrew R. Mączyński, M.I.C.
Information for those who want to join the Congregation of Marian Fathers:
Vocation Director