Poland, Licheń: Fr. Czesław Szyszko, MIC, passed away

Poland, Licheń

September 21, 2017

Poland, Licheń: Fr. Czesław Szyszko, MIC, passed away

With deep regret we inform our confreres that Fr. Czesław Szyszko, MIC, aged 81, passed away at approx. 8:00pm. yesterday, September 21, 2017, at our religious house in Licheń Stary.

He served for a long time as a preacher and confessor in the Licheń Shrine, becoming in recent years a resident of our religious house under the title of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Licheń Stary. He was a member of our Congregation for 60 years.

Funeral celebrations will take place at the St. Dorothy’s Parish Church in Licheń Stary on Saturday, September 23, 2017: Rosary at 1:00pm, Holy Mass of Christian funeral at 1:30pm, following which the body of our confrere will be put to rest in the Marian section of the local cemetery.

We commend the late Fr. Czesław to God’s Mercy: Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

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